

Hyundai Tucson: Differential carrier case

Hyundai Tucson - Fourth generation (NX4) - (2020-2023) - Workshop Manual / Driveshaft and axle / Differential Carrier Assembly / Differential carrier case

  1. Remove the pinion oil seal (A).



When installing oil seal (A), replace oil seal with a new one.

  1. Remove the outer pinion bearing (A).



Do not reuse the removed bearing.

  1. Remove the outer pinion bearing race (A) using the SST (09501-C9140. 09501-C9320).

  1. Remove the inner pinion bearing race (A) using the SST (09501-C9140, 09501-C9330).

  1. Remove the differential carrier case side oil seal (A).



When installing oil seal (A), replace oil seal with a new one.

  1. Remove the differential carrier case side bearing race (A) and adjustment shim (B).

  1. Remove the tiller gasket (A) and filler plug (B) from the differential carrier case side cover.

Tightening torque : 39.2 - 58.8 N m (4.0 - 6.0 kgf-m, 28.9 - 43.3 lb ft)



When installing the filler plug, replace the gasket (A) with a new one.

  1. Remove the differential carrier case side cover oil seal (A).



When installing oil seal (A), replace oil seal with a new one.

  1. Remove the differential carrier case side cover bearing race (A) and adjustment shim (B).

Differential Carrier Assembly - Reassembly


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