

Hyundai Tucson: System Interface

Hyundai Tucson - Fourth generation (NX4) - (2020-2023) - Workshop Manual / Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) / Rear Corner Radar System / System Interface


Rear Corner Radar is a system that measures the relative speed and distance from the following vehicles by using two electromagnetic wave radar sensors attached to the rear bumper, and detects any vehicle within the blind spot zone and gives off alarm.

System Interface



It is a system that provides detecting, warning (visual and audible) and controlling the obstacle in the blind spots of the rear corner side while driving by measuring the distance and speed of the rear corner vehicles using the radar waves emitted from the 2 rear corner radar sensors mounted inside the rear bumper.

  • BCW(Blind-spot Collision Warning): The BCW detects the vehicle approaching at high speed from the blind spot and rear of your vehicle while driving and warns the driver.
  • BCA(Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist): The BCA assists to avoid collision with the vehicle approaching from the blind spot by controlling the brake partially when your vehicle departs the lane.
  • RCCW (Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning): The RCCW detects the vehicles approaching from the left and right sides and warns the driver while your vehicle is reversing.
  • RCCA (Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist): The RCCA assists to avoid collision with the vehicles approaching from the left and right sides by controlling the brake while your vehicle is reversing.

System Function

The Rear Corner Radar (RR_C_RDR) supports the functions below using the detecting information (vehicle/2-wheeled vehicle) of the rear corner radar, recognition information (lane) of the front camera and the vehicle signal information (CAN communication).

  1. BCW (Blind-Spot Collision Warning): It detects the vehicles approaching from the blind spot and informs the driver of a possible collision with a warning message and audible warning while driving at the speed of over specific speed.

    Also, when you are driving forward to exit the vehicle, it helps braking to avoid collision if the system judges that there is a collision risk with the vehicle approaching from the rear corner.

  1. BCA (Blind-Spot Collision-Avoid Assist): It assists the collision avoidance by controlling the brake partially if the system judges that there is a collision risk with the vehicle approaching from the rear corner when changing lanes by detecting the lane ahead.

    Also, when you are driving forward to exit the vehicle, it helps braking to avoid collision if the system judges that there is a collision risk with the vehicle approaching from the rear corner.

  1. RCCW (Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning): It warns the driver with a warning message and an audible warning if the system judges that there is a collision risk with the vehicle approaching from the left and right sides while your vehicle is reversing.

  1. RCCA (Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist): It warns the driver with a warning message and an audible warning and helps braking to avoid collision if the system judges that there is a collision risk with the vehicle approaching from the left and right sides while your vehicle is reversing.

Warning Condition


     Warning Condition

    Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW) BCW activating conditions (1) User Setting Menu (USM): Select 'Driver Assistance' -> 'Blind-Spot Safety' -- 'Blind-Spot Collision Warning' (2) Vehicle speed: 20 kmh or faster (3

     Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA)

    BCA activating conditions (1) User Setting Menu (USM): Select 'Driver Assistance' -> 'Blind-Spot Safety' -- 'Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance-Assist' (2) Vehicle speed: 60 kmh - 200 km h (3) Curvature radius: 600m or more (4) Both lanes

     Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning (RCCW)

    RCCW activating conditions (1) User Setting Menu (USM): Select 'Driver Assist Parking Safety' - 'Rear Cross-Traffic Safety' (2) Shift lever position: R (3) Vehicle speed: 0 ~ 8 km/h (4) Speed of opponent vehicle: 5 km h or faster


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