

Hyundai Tucson: Driveshaft side oil seal #2 B Type

Hyundai Tucson - Fourth generation (NX4) - (2020-2023) - Workshop Manual / Wheel Drive (4WD) System / Transfer Assembly / Driveshaft side oil seal #2 B Type

  1. Remove the transfer assembly.

(Refer to 4 Wheel Drive (4WD) System - "Front Wheel Transfer Assembly")

  1. Remove the dust cover (A).

  1. Remove the oil seal #2 (A).

  1. Install the oil seal #2 (A) with a new one by using the special service tools (0K473-P2200, 09231- H1100).

  1. Remove the special service tools
  2. Install the dust cover (A) with a new one.

  1. Install the transfer assembly.

(Refer to 4 Wheel Drive (4WD) System - "Front Wheel Transfer Assembly")

  1. If the transfer oil is leaking, add the transfer with oil.

(Refer to 4 Wheel Drive System - "Transfer Fluid")


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