Hyundai Tucson: Lubrication System
Hyundai Tucson - Fourth generation (NX4) - (2020-2023) - Workshop Manual / Engine Mechanical System / Lubrication System
Engine oil flow diagram
Components Variable oil pump Variable oil pump sproket Oil Pressure & temperature sensor Oil filter Filter cap O-ring Filter cap Safety pin Oil cooler Engine oil flow diagram Replacement WARNING Prolonged and reEngine Oil
Check the engine oil quality. Check the oil deterioration, entry of water, discoloring of thinning. If the quality is visibly poor, replace the oil. Check the engine oil level. After warning up the engine and then 10 minutes after theEngine Oil - Removal and Installation
Disconnect the battery negative terminal. Remove the engine room under cover. (Refer to Engine and Transaxle Assembly - "Engine Room Under Cover") Drain the coolant. (Refer to Cooling System - "Coolant") DSEE MORE:
Rear Suspension System - Removal
WARNING When lifting a vehicle using a lift, be careful not to damage the lower parts of the vehicle (floor under cover, fuel filter, fuel tank, canister). (Refer to General Information - "Lift Point") Loosen the rear wheel nutsRear Wiper Washer - Removal
Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal. Loosen the mounting nut and remove the rear wiper arm & blade (A). WARNING Take care not to damage the rear glass when removing the rear wiper arms & blades. Remove the tail gatInformation
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- Hyundai Tucson - Fourth generation (NX4) - (2020-2023) - Workshop Manual